How to Create a Wheelchair Accessible Backyard

July 18, 2023
"SlyFox Accessible Blogs"

Having a disability should not limit your outdoor enjoyment. Everyone should have access to enjoy the beauty and relaxation of their backyard. For those with disabilities, creating a wheelchair accessible backyard is crucial to their outdoor activities. It provides a space where they can move freely, exercise, or enjoy spending time with friends and family.

Let’s talk about how to create a wheelchair accessible backyard that meets your needs and allows you to enjoy your time outside.

1. Assess Your Space


Before you begin creating a wheelchair accessible backyard, take a good look at your space. Analyze the terrain, such as slopes, surface textures, and any obstacles that may be in the way. This helps you determine what adjustments to make to accommodate your wheelchair. If your backyard includes stairs, you will need to build a ramp so that you can access your backyard with ease.


2. Create Flat Paved Surfaces


Paved surfaces should be flat and even for wheelchair access. Loose gravel, uneven surfaces, and irregular steps make wheelchair accessibility difficult. The ideal surfaces for wheelchair accessibility include pavers, concrete, or asphalt. With these surfaces, it’s easier to roll on them without causing any damage to the wheelchair.


3. Install Raised Garden Beds


Raised garden beds are an excellent way to bring the beauty of your garden closer to you. They are ideal for wheelchair users and provide an opportunity to exercise your green thumb. The garden bed should sit at waist height to provide easy access. Also, adding a railing around the garden bed helps for support.

"SlyFox Garden Blogs"4. Build Wheelchair Accessible Seating


Adding seating in your backyard allows you to enjoy the view and spend time with loved ones. However, standard seating is not wheelchair-friendly. Therefore, it’s essential to create wheelchair accessible seating. A stable and secure space is critical. Consider adding a wooden bench, park benches, or even a wheelchair-accessible picnic table.

5. Accessorize Your Backyard Oasis


Your backyard is your space, and it’s a great idea to make it comfortable and enjoyable. You can accessorize your backyard with planters, water features, and lighting. Place plants or shrubs at a low height so that they don’t block your view, and place the water feature close to seating areas. Quality exterior lighting helps to make your space accessible at night too.


"SlyFox Backyard Blogs"

Creating a wheelchair accessible backyard is a fantastic way to make your outdoor space more usable and enjoyable. With the right modifications, your backyard can be a place of rest, exercise, and entertainment. Assess the terrain, create flat paved surfaces, and install raised garden beds, wheelchair acceessible seating and accessorize your backyard oasis. Transform your backyard space into a beautiful, safe, and comfortable place that everyone can enjoy.


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